
Posts Tagged ‘workflow’

Our lighting lead/director of photography planned this diagram first on a chalkboard and then with VUE. There are two main points why diagrams like this are important:

1) Making the folder structure clear to everybody. The first row in the diagram explains the names of the folders and who’s job it is to transfer files in and out of there. As we’ve told, we are using Dropbox and it gets easily messed up if there is no plans how to name the files and folders.

2) Making the workflow clear to everybody. Even the crewmembers with  “minor” roles need to know what’s about to happen. Also different deadlines are easy to set when you can visualize the path of he project.

This kind of diagram SHOULD have been done from the beginning of the project, but better now than never. It would be wise to print  the whole diagram on a huge piece of paper and hang it somewhere so that everybody could see it every day. (You could even have little name-tags that would indicate the person working on a certain stage.)

The day after this was done, we found out that the composing can be done with blender. So we deleted the “After Effects”-stage, because it’s better/faster to do the job with the same programm. The point here is: make your diagrams easy to correct, because there will be corrections!

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